Check questions
▶ The engine must be clean (not spilled with oil - must not leak oil or fuel)
▶ The exhaust must be fixed with hangers and straps and must be tight
▶ The exhaust must be equipped with a silencer
Tires and wheel rims must be undamaged
▶ Must have at least 1.6 mm depth in the main pattern over the entire tire
▶ Must be of the same type on all four wheels (e.g. summer tires winter tires)
▶ Must be inflated to the correct tire pressure (can be seen in the car's owner's manual )
▶ Studded tires may ONLY be used from 1 November – 15 April
▶ Checked by pressing firmly on the car's shock absorber The car must then come to rest immediately You do this for all 4 shock absorbers
▶ The control device must be able to be operated easily, safely and quickly
▶ The control device must be self-healing without noise
▶ Ratslør er det stykke rattet kan drejes, UDEN at hjulene følger med
▶ Biler med tandstangstyring må ikke have ratslør ( alle nye biler har tandstangstyring )
▶ Væskestanden i servovæskebeholderen skal stå mellem Min. & Max.
▶ Start motoren, stil hjulene i ligeudstilling
▶ Rul vinduet ned og stig ud af bilen og luk døren
▶ Drej på rattet i korte og hurtige bevægelser fra side til side, og se efter om hjulet følger rattets bevægelse ( Spørg derefter den sagkyndige om at hjælpe med at bevæge rattet, så du kan kontroller om hjulet i højre side bevæger med rattets bevæ
▶ Must be a 2-circuit hydraulic brake system (works with fluid pressure)
▶ If one circuit fails, the other works as an EMERGENCY BRAKE
▶ If one circuit fails, the car must be towed away, you must not drive with defective brakes
▶ Must work on all 4 wheels
▶ Must be able to brake the car quickly, safely and effectively at all speeds and loads
▶ The brake pedal must have a non-slip surface
▶ The brake pedal must be firmly in place
▶ The brake pedal must be able to be pressed no more than half way down towards the bottom
▶ The brake pedal must not sink under constant pressure
▶ The brake pedal must have 1 cm of play
▶ Pump bremsepedalen 4 til 5 gange med slukket motor
▶ Hold derefter pedalen nedtrådt (hårdt)
▶ Start motoren
▶ Hvis pedalen nu synker så er det tegn på at vakuumforstærkeren VIRKER
▶ Kan være den ene kreds i driftsbremsen, eller parkeringsbremsen
▶ Skal kunne bremse bilen sikkert hvis driftsbremsen svigter
▶ Skal være mekanisk og virke på mindst 2 hjul
▶ Skal kunne holde bilen på en 18 % hældning og blive stående i fastspændt tilstand
▶ The horn must have a clear and constant tone
▶ Lights at the front of the car must be white / yellowish, have the same color and strength
▶ Quantity: At least 1 pc.
▶ Colour: Must glow white
▶ Must be legible from a distance of at least 20m
• Quantity: 2 pcs.
• The lights must not dazzle.
• Must be asymmetrical to the right.
• The light cone must have a decrease of 1%.
• Must be able to illuminate the road at least 30m.
• Quantity: 2 pcs.
▶ Må godt virke blændende
• Must have a control lamp in the instrument panel. ( blue color )
• Must be able to illuminate the road at least 100m.
• Quantity: 2 pcs.
• Do not appear dazzling.
• Must be visible from 300m distance.
• Quantity: 2 pcs.
• Color: Must be red in color with the same strength.
• Do not appear dazzling.
• Must be visible from 300m distance.
• Switch on the dipped beam and switch on the ignition
• Can be checked by standing one meter from the car and measuring where the light limit hits the leg.
• Then you step back 10 m and the light limit should have dropped 10 cm. (Or step back 1 m and the light limit should have dropped 1 cm)
• Quantity: 3 pcs.
• Color: Must be bright red.
• Must shine significantly brighter than the taillights.
• Do not appear dazzling.
• Quantity: 2 pcs.
• Must be placed at the rear of the vehicle.
• Must not be triangular. (Triangular reflectors are ONLY permitted for tractors and trailers)
(trekantede reflekser er til langsom kørende køretøjer)
(trekantede reflekser er til langsom kørende køretøjer)
• Quantity : 6 pcs.
• Color : Must be bright yellow / orange
• Must be visible in bright sunlight.
• Must flash 60 - 120 times a minute.
• Check all turn signals by activating hazard warning lights.